We are told that religion and politics require a strict separation; that religion is a hindrance to happiness and therefore has been gradually stripped from the public square. We’re told that displays of religious faith don’t support the community but are downright offensive to non-adherents.
Post Tagged with: "religion"
Beware Technocracy -The Allure and Danger of Scientism
Sadly, too many of us then grow accustomed to our chains. We become children, or pupils of the State (like “Julia”). We continue to elect leaders who perpetuate the cycle of the “Welfare State” based significantly on the lies of scientism. It’s time for Americans to wake up ….
What Libertarians Get Wrong
The liberty that libertarians love in America is implicitly linked to Christianity. Certainly our Constitution would not exist without it. Having legislation that reflects Christian morality is no detriment to liberty.
Being a Pastor and Speaking Out in Today’s Culture
Is it right that pastors should remain silent about important matters in society that are being debated in the public square because someone is trying to establish in our culture that there is no place in politics for religious beliefs or moral convictions that have been born out of a faith commitment?
Ryan pokes fun at Obama bitter clinger comment
“I’m a Catholic deer hunter. I’m happy to cling to my guns and religion.” – Paul Ryan mocking Obama’s comment about people being bitter and clinging to their guns and religion.
Approaching America’s Moral Crossroads
As Americans of all faiths approach the national elections in November their vote may prove a tipping point toward America’s continued slide into the darkness, into the slavery of communism, into the further encroachments of Islam, into a moral abyss, or it can be the day that Americans renew their faith in what America stood for in the past and the values it can champion in the future.
Media Spiking Catholic Lawsuit to Prop Up Obama
ABC, CBS, and NBC don’t judge news events by their inherent importance as relates to the future of our freedoms. They deliver the news according to a simple formula: Does it, or doesn’t it, advance the re-election of Barack Obama?
Government as God is Liberalism’s Idea—Stolen From Ancient Pagan World
Of the central core of ideas from socialism and Marxism, none is more important than erecting a government to operate as a kind of default god. While this could seem an accidental effect of Marxism’s war against religion, a better informed explanation exists. This reveals the real purpose of leftism as one of waging war against, and trying to murder God, Himself. After God is removed from the scene, imposition of a humanistic cult allows mankind to pursue all his desires unfettered.
Bishops call for “unprecedented, aggressive attack” on Obama’s assault on religious freedom
Catholic leaders are calling for two weeks of public protests against President Barack Obama’s policies as they intensify their argument that the administration is engaged in a war on religion. – Newsmax.com
Religion and the 2012 Elections
The Founding Fathers believed that only men of “virtue” could lead America and only citizens who practiced virtue in their lives could preserve and protect the republic. They were right.