A sneak attack at the convention, the plan that Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are counting on to win the Republican presidential nomination, is far-fetched in the eyes of state party officials who say that Mitt Romney will be nominated even if he goes into the convention with only a plurality of delegates. – Washington Times
Post Tagged with: "Rick Santorum"
Santorum or Romney? Culture War or Class War?
Neither of these Obama-Axelrod tactics will unify Americans; it will divide them, pitting them against each other by class or religion, by income or faith, by money or conscience. And that isn’t a good thing, especially from a president who promised to be a unifier and symbol of “hope.”
It’s time to make tax system pro-marriage instead of anti-marriage
So why are we permitting our income tax law to discriminate against traditional marriage and against the right and need of children to have a father and a mother married to each other?
Cheesy Grits: Santorum stuns Romney in south
Romney loses both Alabama and Mississippi to Santorum and with Gingrich second but picks up Hawaii. Alabama had Santorum at 35, Gingrich with a few votes over Romney but both at 29%. Mississippi results Santorum 33, Gingrich 31 and Romney 30. The Santoruum and Gingrich camps are hailing the results as proof that the not Romney vote is greater than the votes for Romney.
Romney Wins 6 on Super Tuesday
Romney takes Ohio, Virginia, Vermont, Alaska, Massachusetts, and Idaho to solidify his lead in state wins and delegates. Gingrich only won his old home state of Georgia. Santorum has Tennessee, Oklahoma, North Dakota and a close second in Ohio.Ron Paul failed to win any states.
Hope vs. Despair: The Discussion is Coming
Rather than creating hope, secular progressives create despair. And I believe rank-and-file progressives are getting wise to this.
Candidates say Obama is “anti-energy” and WANTS higher energy prices
Obama can’t fool all of the people all of the time. The GOP candidates call him out on his “anti-energy” secretary who wants gas prices as high as Europe’s. Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu is on the record as having said we need higher gas prices like those in Europe.
Santorum: Reid, Pelosi, Obama like drug dealers hooking you on entitlements
The food stamp president is sure doing a good job of it. With half of American households getting some form of payments from the government we may have come too far already to right the sinking ship.
Santorum: “Good and evil exists” – “Reagan Recognized it”
Rick Santorum tells a reporter to stick with the issues. Responding to the Drudge headline about an old speech given to a religious group, Santorum contends that most Americans believe in good and evil and that Reagan talked about it also. He then accused the press of not asking issues questions.
Palin: Lame stream media “all wee-weed up” about Santorum
The Obama propaganda media is trying to divert attention from the real issues and paint Santorum as a religious zealot. They totally ignore the fact that Obama is a Marxist zealot who spent twenty years at the feet of a racist pastor who believes in “collective salvation” which means you have to give all your material goods to the poor or you can’t be “saved.”