Post Tagged with: "Rush Limbaugh"

July 31, 2013 06:37

Limbaugh: Democrats Need Uneducated, Hopeless, Unskilled Underclass… “That’s Their Base”

Obama said he would make SEIU agenda America’s agenda. The Sec/Treas. of SEIU said amnesty will provide 8 million new “progressive”(socialist) voters and change election outcomes for a generation. Don’t be stupid again.

June 21, 2012 07:41

2009 presser shows Obama complicit in gun scandal

Both Deputy AG David Ogden and DHS Sec. Napolitano spoke at a 2009 press conference which outlined the gun tracing program that Obama was pushing through the DOJ, ATF, and DEA. We reported this in July 2011.

June 14, 2012 15:37

Limbaugh laughs at Obama new economic speech

Dodging his record on jobs, record debt increases and historically high deficits Obama talks about paying down the long term debt when there hasn’t been a budget in over three years.

June 8, 2012 04:00

Limbaugh calls celeb in chief Barack Kardashian Obama

“He is becoming the male Kim Kardashian” – Rush Limbaugh. Team Obama is pushing celebrity status as Obama’s election theme. Well there is not much else to push is there?

June 1, 2012 05:58

Rush Limbaugh on venture socialist vs. venture capitalist

Limbaugh praised Romney’s surprise attack on Obama’s failed venture socialist scheme at the location of Solyndra the company that was owned by Obama campaign supporters and received a half BILLION dollars of taxpayer money before filing bankruptcy.

March 30, 2012 04:56

Not a Liberal? The APA Says You’re Crazy

Liberals who work at the American Psychological Association are living back in the 1940’s; a time during which liberals tried to convince Americans that the only alternative to the welfare state/democratic socialism was a regime based upon enforced racism or nationalism (i.e., Hitler or Mussolini).

March 15, 2012 07:05

The Revenge of the Femi-nazis

“Hate speech” consists of hatred of whatever liberals like Steinem and Fonda cherish. Therefore, attacks on what they hold dear should be illegal, they claim. Gee, this sounds a lot like totalitarian dictatorship to me.

March 9, 2012 05:06

White House dodges complaint letter from conservative women

Concerned Women for America sent a letter to Obama pointing out his hypocrisy in remaining silent about Bill Maher’s nasty name calling of Sarah Palin. Maher has donated a million dollars to Obama’s now acceptable super pac even though he called Palin the “C” word the left remains locked solidly in his defense while attacking the right via Rush Limbaugh for calling the White House operative Fluke a slut.

March 7, 2012 07:19

Is this why Sandra Fluke went public?

Did the congresswomen who pushed Fluke’s testimony coordinate with a marketing and polling outfit that recently conducted a survey to determine whether contraception mandates can become a possible presidential election issue? – WND

February 9, 2012 06:55

Rush: Santorum is last real conservative still standing

Rush contends that Santorum is winning now because he is the last real conservative still standing and that if the establishment were right, Romney would be winning everything and the race would already be over. – RightScoop video