Post Tagged with: "scientists"

January 8, 2013 06:02

Beware Technocracy -The Allure and Danger of Scientism

Sadly, too many of us then grow accustomed to our chains. We become children, or pupils of the State (like “Julia”). We continue to elect leaders who perpetuate the cycle of the “Welfare State” based significantly on the lies of scientism. It’s time for Americans to wake up ….

January 28, 2011 09:43

One in seven scientists know colleagues who fake scientific findings

Seems there’s a whole lot of misconduct going on in the world of science. Rule breakers rule – everything from data fabrication to falsification, plagiarism to fraud to embezzlement is on the roster of rotten scientific behaviour. It’s a high-stakes game where pressure is frenzied to publish positive results.