All that it would take is an order from Murdoch to Roger Ailes, president of Fox News, to get to the bottom of the controversy over Obama’s Marxist roots. Four years after Obama was elected president, isn’t it about time for what the late Andrew Breitbart called “the Vetting?”
Post Tagged with: "Sean Hannity"
2009 presser shows Obama complicit in gun scandal
Both Deputy AG David Ogden and DHS Sec. Napolitano spoke at a 2009 press conference which outlined the gun tracing program that Obama was pushing through the DOJ, ATF, and DEA. We reported this in July 2011.
Sarah Palin: Not surprising Obama would accept “dirty money”
“Our president is one who is trying to divide our country. He is not in this to unify America and to solidify our place as the exceptional nation in the world. He is trying to divide us based along the lines of gender, of religion, of income, even of race.Look at his embracing of Derrick Bell the radical college racist professor.” Palin tells Sean Hannity how the president’s actions are typical and she does not want to hear from Bill Maher or Obama.
Palin: “More of Obama’s hogwash”
“He’s a phony.” Sarah Palin pointed out that Barack Obama is a phony and America is not going to put up with that. Palin was on with Sean Hannity last night to discuss Barack Obama’s dwindling poll numbers and his failed “socialist” policies. Video clip from jackohoft:
Donald Trump: “country is blowing up … is a disaster”
Hannity interviewed Donald Trump asking him his opinion of the OWS protests. Here is a portion of Trump’s response from the 10-18 interview.
The Green $windle
The green agenda is all about money – taking yours and for little or no real benefit to the environment. Sean Hannity exposes the corruption.
Ann Coulter on the ‘mob’ protests at Wall Street
Coulter and Hannity discuss the left wing riots at Wall Street and whether Christie will actually get in.
Palin: I appreciate that AP called Obama on his lies
“Its sick. Its pretty rampant though. There is a lot of pay for play here in the Obama administration. .. the solar company [Solyndra] is just one example.” – Sarah Palin
Krauthammer: Obama’s “toxic combination of lemon socialism and crony capitalism’
“This is a classic example of this toxic combination of lemon socialism and crony capitalism. The lemon socialism part is the old story of industrial policy. Meaning smart people in Washington, or people who think they’re smart, elected officials and bureaucrats, and they bring in experts who think they’re even smarter, that decide which are the industries of the future as if they know and the market doesn’t.” …. “you destroy an economy when you think that a politician in a centralized capitol knows where capital ought to be allocated. “
Obama’s media allies escalate attacks on Gov. Perry
Brent Bozelle of Media Research Center discusses the pro Obama bias in the liberal media’s attacks on GOP candidate Gov. Rick Perry. The “Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin treatment.”