Rep. West questions the wisdom of handcuffing the FBI with political correctness as the Obama administration removes 850 pages from the FBI training manual for being “insensitive” to Muslims. “I think we have to understand that when tolerance becomes a one way street it will lead to cultural suicide.”
Post Tagged with: "security vs political correctness"
Allen West: political correctness affecting security as 850 pages removed from FBI training manual
Bending over too much for radical Islamists
Islamic terrorists are equated to school and gang violence and sexual assault. Radical or extreme Islamists are never mentioned a in too politically correct domestic terror report. Not surprising considering DHS uses CAIR and a radical left wing hate group SPLC to “identify” domestic extremists”
Bending over too much for radical Islamists
Islamic terrorists are equated to school and gang violence and sexual assault. Radical or extreme Islamists are never mentioned a in too politically correct domestic terror report. Not surprising considering DHS uses CAIR and a radical left wing hate group SPLC to “identify” domestic extremists”
Time to Defend the West
Who wants to assimilate to a civilization too scared to defend itself? What a terrible investment for the future. Far better to let our adversaries know that they are up against a strong people who love their civilization and will go to any length to defend it. The message must be unequivocal: we really are superior and are not embarrassed to admit it.
Politically correct Portland rejected feds who saved city from terrorist attack
In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration’s conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that task force helped prevent what could have been a horrific terrorist attack in Portland. Now city officials say they might re-think their participation in the task force — because Barack Obama is in the White House.
Security vs. Political Correctness
Fighting against terrorism, an evil which rejects all the basic moral and legal norms of civilized society, is inherently difficult for liberal democracies such as the United States.