These are the academic motions and machinations of a nation preparing itself (particularly its young people) for suicide.
Post Tagged with: "Sharia"
Million Muslim March on 9/11
Militant Islam threatens us no less than Nazism in the last century. The American Muslim Political Action Committee is the enemy within our borders, along with other comparable groups. Do not be deceived. Do not let down your guard. Remember 9/11.
Terrorist TV Lobbies for American Propaganda Channel
The Emir of Qatar, a multi-billionaire, runs a dictatorial regime that postures as America’s friend in the Middle East but which supports the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Gender Gap No One is Talking About
We believe all American women are at risk by a second term Obama presidency.
Silence of American Feminists is Deafening
Instead of directing their time and energy to issues that could use their support and attention – like the plight of women suffering under the boot of Muslim extremism – the majority of American feminists choose to focus on comparatively petty concerns.
Why Mosques Should Be Shut Down
Each of these mosques is currently conducting various types of jihadist attacks such as: propaganda jihad, immigration jihad, education jihad, media jihad, marriage jihad, lawsuit jihad, moderate Islam jihad, sharia jihad, bribery jihad, stealth jihad and all varieties of nefarious and clandestine means to sabotage and undermine our nation as required by the Koran. All this has been enabled under the guise of “moderate Islam”, the most effective psychological warfare infiltration ruse in history.
The threat of Sharia is real
Even the most cursory examination of the tenets, teachings and obligations inherent in the comprehensive political-military-legal doctrine of shariah shows it to require adherents to secure its triumph worldwide. Applying the model of Mohammed – who is believed by his co-religionists to be the perfect Muslim – the way this goal is to be achieved is through jihad or holy war. – Canada National Post
The free speech wars – Islamorealism ad vs Anti-Israel ads
Counter-jihad ads, running on the same kiosks on the same train platforms as the vicious anti-Israel ads, are causing quite a stir. Dhimmi public officials and media are falling all over themselves in furious efforts to enforce the restrictions on free speech under the sharia. – Atlas Shrugs
Andy McCarthy on Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operations in the US
Former Federal Prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, who prosecuted the case against “the Blind Sheikh,” Omar Abdul Rahman, speaks about the Brotherhood’s “influence operations” and the allegations made by five members of Congress that federal employees, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, have ties to the group.
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Issues Raising Perplexing Questions
What shouldn’t get lost in all this are the policies of the Obama administration that have helped facilitate the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly in Egypt.