When they sue, the government has to incur the costs of defending itself against the lawsuits, and also picks up the expenses for the groups suing the government. No one even keeps track of how much money the government has ended up spending on such lawsuits.
Post Tagged with: "Sierra Club"
50th Anniversary of “Silent Spring”: A Lethal Legacy
The book is a classic example of bogus science combined with deliberate lies to frighten people. That has always been the modus operendi of the environmental movement.
Sierra Club Radicals Declare Another War, This Time Against Common Sense
They have just declared war on the natural-gas industry. The Sierra Club already has their “Beyond Coal” campaign, and “Beyond Oil,” and they are renaming their efforts against natural gas as “Beyond Gas”. Clever.
The Obama administration’s anti-energy policies and supporters
Americans are being deliberately starved of the energy sources we have in abundance. We are being robbed in the form of higher prices for electricity produced in the most expensive fashion, wind and solar, instead of affordable coal. Not only are gasoline prices up, but the government continues to demand more mileage per gallon of gas.
VoteVets Reaped Heavy Backing from Environmental Groups
The grants reflect one of the key strategies for supporters of climate legislation, which was to link U.S. dependence on imported oil with the Iraq War. – OpenSecrets
Little Green Morons
After three years of the most astonishingly stupid and wasteful green energy policies inflicted on Americans, it is hard keeping score of the various beneficiaries of government largess that are going bankrupt. The most famous at this point is Solyndra that went belly up taking a half billion in loan guarantees—taxpayer funded—with it. Beacon Power, a green energy storage plant, filed for bankruptcy last fall took with it $43 million of more Department of Energy loan guarantees. Ener1, touted during a visit by Vice President Joe Biden—who inadvertently called it “Enron1”—filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The electric car battery maker had received a $118 million grant from the Obama administration.
It’s easy being green – if your rich
We do not need to revert to medieval times of village living in order to protect the planet. The environmental promoters have planned huge economic gains from carbon footprint taxes.
Outrage of the Year – Obama’s EPA Sending Grant Money to China
Sen. Inhofe points out the widespread corruption at the EPA in doling out grant money to left wing groups that then sue the EPA and win funds. In one case grants went to a lobbying group and have even gone to Thailand and China.
EPA Funds Green Groups That Sue The Agency To Expand
The EPA even tacitly encourages such suits, going so far as to pay for and promote a “Citizen’s Guide” that, among other things, explains how to sue the agency under “citizen suit” provisions in environmental laws. The guide’s author — the Environmental Law Institute — has received $9.9 million in EPA grants over the past decade. – IBD
Obama pushes up oil, gas and electric rates as he promised
Obama seems to be doing everything in his power to increase the price of gasoline, oil and all forms of energy in America.