Post Tagged with: "SOPA"

May 1, 2012 06:09

Big Brother, the Internet, and Your Right of Privacy

Any time you see or hear the words “fair” or “fairness” it is a subterfuge for the redistribution of your wealth and the right of the government to know every aspect of your life.

April 30, 2012 06:36

#CISPA, #SOPA, #PIPA and #BigLobbying – Your Privacy Sold data now shows that Rogers has received at least $175,000 from organizations that have lobbied on the bill. That’s about 15 percent of the total $1.1 million he has reported raising this election cycle.

December 29, 2011 09:25

40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now

Today, an increasing number of Americans want to understand why our economy is dying and why our national debt is skyrocketing. An increasing number of Americans are deeply frustrated with what is going on in Washington D.C. and they are alarmed that we seem to get closer to becoming a totalitarian police state with each passing year.

December 21, 2011 11:03

Censorship Online Political Act – SOPA

[T]he portion of the bill laying out the specific types of criminal conduct that trigger this Rube Goldberg censorship machine occupy just a couple of paragraphs.

December 14, 2011 17:01

Stop in the Name of Private Property

Experts who follow this subject closely have described SOPA as the most draconian and egregious in the history of copyright enforcement. It would permit any plaintiff to presume the backing of the state to effectively shut down any website on complaint alone, and it would instill such a chilling atmosphere of fear that what we now call digital freedom would come to an end.

December 14, 2011 17:01

Stop in the Name of Private Property

Experts who follow this subject closely have described SOPA as the most draconian and egregious in the history of copyright enforcement. It would permit any plaintiff to presume the backing of the state to effectively shut down any website on complaint alone, and it would instill such a chilling atmosphere of fear that what we now call digital freedom would come to an end.

November 21, 2011 09:54

Ramrodding the End of the Internet as We Know It

It would allow the government to create a “blacklist” of blocked sites and give private companies the ability to strip the financial livelihoods of websites without due process.