Post Tagged with: "teleprompter"

December 9, 2011 06:09

Chris Christie on cluelessness in White House

“It’s not good enough just to read off a teleprompter, Mr. President.” At the Republican Jewish Coalition Convention Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey assailed President Barack Obama for not leading and comparing himself to Teddy Roosevelt. Video clip from aimaccuracy:

December 9, 2011 06:09

Chris Christie on cluelessness in White House

“It’s not good enough just to read off a teleprompter, Mr. President.” At the Republican Jewish Coalition Convention Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey assailed President Barack Obama for not leading and comparing himself to Teddy Roosevelt.

November 28, 2011 06:40

Newt mocks Obama’s teleprompter skills – challenges debate

Funny! “If you had to defend Obamacare wouldn’t you want a teleprompter?”