Post Tagged with: "Treasury Secretary"

January 10, 2013 10:44

Another Obama Lewser from Wall Street

Lew made over a million dollars at evil big bank Citigroup and was Obama’s budget adviser on his failed recovery plan. One Obama budget even failed to get ANY votes in the senate even from Democrats.

November 29, 2011 06:43

Thieving rich get richer – Treasury Dept. Gave Insider Info to Hedge Funds

Former Goldman Sachs CEO Paulson as Treas. Sec. gave a heads up to five Goldman Sachs execs and others in a private meeting giving them the opportunity to profit from government actions in the financial crisis. Why aren’t people going to jail? – Bloomberg has the story

February 18, 2011 05:18

Treasury Secretary admits Obama’s budget will bust the bank

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the budget proposed by President Barack Obama could leave America with “unsustainable obligations over time.”

February 9, 2011 07:52

Fannie, Freddie Could Be Phased Out Under Treasury Housing Plan

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner will present Congress with three options for reducing the government’s role in the nation’s decades-old housing finance system and shrinking the footprint of mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

November 5, 2010 07:57

Send in the clowns – they couldn’t do much worse

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner sat down to discuss the U.S. economy — with comedian Jon Stewart. The same day he had calls with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Max Baucus. No wonder the economy is still such a mess.

October 7, 2010 09:09

Obama and Ben Bernanke Have Us Facing the Abyss

Between the president’s economic power grabs and the Fed chairman’s “quantitative easing” schemes, the future continues to darken for our long-term economic prospects.

August 24, 2010 09:20

GOP leader Boehner calls on Obama to fire failed economic team

“President Obama should ask for – and accept – the resignations of the remaining members of his economic team, starting with Secretary Geithner and Larry Summers, the head of the National Economic Council. ” – John Boehner

August 4, 2010 06:28

Tim Geithner’s Empty Cheerleading

“Welcome to the Recovery,” said the headline over an op-ed by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner in the New York Times. At first we thought it must be a joke, maybe even a parody. It wasn’t. What’s painfully apparent is that, if anything, the government’s hyperactive interventions in the economy have held it back. – IBD Editorial

April 26, 2010 04:03

Obama administration continues push for ‘global’ rules which would require global taxes

The US is preparing to pivot from domestic regulatory reform to a push for a tough new international capital regime after the weekend’s G20 and International Monetary Fund meetings glossed over differences between leading economies.

February 26, 2010 04:57

Why is Obama Administration Hiding $5 Trillion More Debt with Accounting Gimmicks That Would Make Enron ‘Blush,’?

“The accounting gimmicks that are used today would make an Enron and WorldCom accountant blush,” Hensarling told reporters. “The American people know that under the policies of this administration—under the policies of this Congress—we are drowning in a sea of red ink.”