Communist Party USA talked about Jones’s leadership in this new phase of the progressive movement and how the conference welcomed socialists and communists. She said the Communist Party, which usually fields a presidential candidate, will not run anyone against Obama in 2012.
Post Tagged with: "Van Jones"
Alinsky Rules Return For Obama
… the organizers of these protests are the same ones who got Obama elected in 2008. The hippie horde attempting to mob and “occupy” Wall Street this week has a method to its madness. It’s all about getting President Obama re-elected by employing classic Alinskyite tactics.
The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests
Once a top figure in a Marxist group called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), Jones predicts “an American fall, an American autumn, just like we saw the Arab spring.
Communist Van Jones: October offensive to be ‘American autumn just like Arab spring’
Former White House staffer and self avowed communist Van Jones warns that there will be an ‘October offensive’ in the US similar to the Arab spring in the Middle East where violent protests broke out in several countries.
Communist and former White House staffer calls no tax pledge dangerous to democracy
Van Jones a self avowed communist and leader of the defunct group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) who was Obama’s “green jobs” czar ironically calls American’s for Tax Reform pledge “dangerous to Democracy.” Item number two in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto calls for “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.” Interestingly Marx’s item number five calls for “Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.” Sounds like the federal reserve.
Paul Ryan’s budget plan “a threat to Democrats and the president”
Van Jones a self avowed communist and former White House staffer tells an audience that Paul Ryan’s budget will destroy more infrastructure than al-qaeda. Jones was Obama’s “green jobs” czar who is a spread the wealth (take it form those who have it and give it to people you like) activist that now works for the Center for American Progress which advises Obama.
The Left’s Dirty Little Secret – they’ve got your kids’ minds
The socialists launched a cultural revolution to corrupt the West so badly that it would “stink,” in their words. Some of their methods would be destroying the family, stripping parents of power, and forcing sex education into the schools.
Radical Muslims, Environmentalists, and the Green Jihad
[S]omething like environmentalism can be easily used as a jihadist tool in the hands of a green Muslim to help sabotage America from within. After all, Matin says that “Muslims have a personal connection to the color green,” and that “the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad was green.”
Clean energy’s junk economics
What we do know — and this is undisputed — is that electricity from wind and solar sources is so expensive that without government subsidies, it would not exist, let alone compete with fossil fuels.
‘Green’ jobs become redistribution scam in hands of New Black Panthers
As Obama’s former ‘green’ jobs czar self avowed communist Van Jones told us how the ‘green’ movement would redistribute the wealth of America. Now we see how that is happening.