Post Tagged with: "voter fraud"

November 20, 2012 05:04

Was the election stolen?

The massive political machines the democrats have constructed in major cities act as vote faucets that swing their states predictably into the blue column.

July 30, 2012 04:28

Holder Fights Vote Fraud Reform – Stirs Racism

Stories of voting fraud are shocking, and states have been taking action to make sure that elections are secure. But the Justice Department, led by Attorney General Eric Holder, has blocked states at almost every turn.

July 29, 2012 12:21

Vote Fraud Is No Joke

[F]orms have been sent by the group to “deceased infants, out-of-state family members, and non-U.S. citizens, among others.”

June 4, 2012 06:52

DOJ Pushes Voter Fraud The Chicago Way

It couldn’t be clearer that the government is actively promoting voter fraud. .. Democrats have made it clear that honest elections are not something they’re interested in. – IBD Editorials

April 15, 2012 15:57

Eric Holder Trying to Protect Voter Fraud

The Obama administration continues to fight efforts of states to have fair elections. Holder is famous for suing states without reading the laws he is suing over.

January 16, 2012 06:24

Obama’s war against voter fraud reform

Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. ordered a halt to South Carolina’s new photo ID law. … Five states (Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, and North Carolina) enacted photo ID laws that were vetoed by Democratic governors. – American Thinker

January 11, 2012 14:06

Hey Holder -dead people can vote with no ID, they received ballots in NH

Is this why so many Democrats are against voter ID laws? How else can Obama hope to win? On January 10th, Project Veritas reporters walked into New Hampshire Polling Locations during the Presidential Primaries, saying dead people’s names. We stated the name of a dead person we got from the NH obituaries. The names of the deceased were both Registered Republican and Democrats And in almost every case, saying a dead person’s name, we were handed a ballot to cast a vote. We used no misrepresentation and no false pretenses. In fact, in almost every case, we insisted we show ID and they insisted that we vote without showing ID.

January 3, 2012 09:12

Obama’s DOJ and ACLU fight voter ID laws to help vote fraud

Overwhelming evidence shows that voter ID laws help provide honest elections. Obama is trying to nationalize his Chicago style political chicanery of multiple voting, criminals voting, illegals voting and dead people voting to insure his reelection.

June 13, 2011 05:36

The Smell of Politics Brings Out the Worst in Some People

Just ask yourself which political party vehemently opposes the fair-mindedness of Voter-ID and why?

November 17, 2010 10:31

Obama army Organizing for America investigated for voter fraud

Several University of Minnesota students associated with “ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA” have been accused of vouching for individuals they did not know, a felony under Minnesota state law. Organizing for America (OFA) is a project of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). OFA is an outgrowth of “Obama For America,” the network of Obama supporters who went door-to-door urging voters to back the Illinois senator in the 2008 presidential race.