Post Tagged with: "Walter Williams"

January 3, 2012 10:06

Here’s why I love ‘greed,’ and so should you

When I say greed, I am not talking about fraud, theft, dishonesty, lobbying for special privileges from government or other forms of despicable behavior. I’m talking about people trying to get as much as they can for themselves. Let’s look at it. – Walter Williams via Washington Examiner

May 12, 2011 07:51

Unions support of minimum wage is racist – Walter Williams

“The biggest enemy of poor people and people in general is the United States government” -Walter Williams discusses his new book “Race and Economics: How Much Can Be blamed on Discrimination?”

May 11, 2011 07:42

Punished By Minimum Wage – another leftist FAIL

As if more proof were needed about the minimum wage’s devastating effects, yet another study has reached the same conclusion.

March 24, 2011 09:20

Meet Walter Williams

Williams’ contrarian views have had wide exposure through documentaries, public appearances, and for the past 30 years, a syndicated weekly column. Since 1992, Williams has also been a frequent guest host of Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. Now a professor emeritus at George Mason University, Williams has taught at Temple University, California State University-Los Angeles, and other universities.

March 3, 2011 05:53

Walter Williams solves social security funding problem

George Mason University Professor of Economics Walter Williams proposes that the feds can keep all his Social Security retirement if they would just give him 100 acres of federal land.

February 3, 2011 05:06

Walter Williams: Taxation is Theft

Economics professor Walter Williams says we should not raise the debt ceiling and that congressman are thieves.

December 13, 2010 08:47

Who Owns Us? Congress? Or Ourselves?

When congressmen and presidents take their oaths of office, is that oath to uphold and defend good ideas or the U.S. Constitution?

October 19, 2010 07:03

Walter Williams on Leftists, Progressives And Socialists

What goes unappreciated is that socialists and communists have produced the greatest evil in mankind’s history. You say, “Williams, what in the world are you talking about? Socialists, communists and their fellow travelers care about the little guy in his struggle for a fair shake! They’re trying to promote social justice.”

May 20, 2010 06:21

Walter Williams: Immigration and liberty

There are close to 7 billion people on our planet. Does each individual on the planet have a natural or God-given right to live in the U.S.?