Why isn’t our country producing lots of strong, independent, hard working men of character like it once did?
Post Tagged with: "war on women"
Dear Daughter, They’re Lying About the Wage Gap
Unfortunately alarmists, traditional women’s groups and some lawmakers continue to paint society and the workplace as hostile to women and girls. The truth is, there is so much good news for women and girls.
Romney in Retrospect
Mankind is not one dimensional. Despite what Ayn Rand might tell us, we are more than self-interested, economically-driven creatures. We are spiritual and emotional and relational beings who seek community in civil society. Yes we have individual rights, but we also have obligations to our fellow citizens.
Did GOP’s White Flag on Social Issues Cost the Election?
What we had unfortunately was a de facto truce on social issues on one side, but a full embrace of the war on social issues on the other side. Republicans had the truce, Obama had launched a war over abortion and on the Life issue, therefore he got to completely define what that issue was ..
Women Moving On From “Mr. Cool” to “Mr. Dependable”
Women, who four years ago were overwhelmingly supportive of Obama, have come to feel disconnected from and let down by the President. His promises for new policies and a better direction have not matched the reality. It has now gotten to the point where women don’t feel obliged to defend his policies.
Young Women Experiencing 11.6% Unemployment
For those who would arrogantly suggest that women either don’t care about a candidate’s record in office or will simply vote on a narrow band of issues, they had better wake up — women are paying attention, and they plan to vote this November.
Silence of American Feminists is Deafening
Instead of directing their time and energy to issues that could use their support and attention – like the plight of women suffering under the boot of Muslim extremism – the majority of American feminists choose to focus on comparatively petty concerns.
Women Hammered by Obumeconomy
Women continued to experience more than a twenty year low in labor force participation in August.
Obama & Dems Wage War on Women to Hide Dismal Record
Since he cannot defend his record on jobs and has himself previously suggested that he should not be reelected if he fails to fix the economy in his first term, his only option at this point is to distract and obfuscate as much as possible. Hence his manufactured “war on women” – a tactic based upon the assumption that subsidized birth control and the legal ability to destroy their progeny at will are the single most important issues to American women.
Will women vote for four more years of economic suicide?
Oklahoma’s first female governor Mary Fallin and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley give a women’s and mother’s point of view on Obama’s economy and his self grading of incomplete.