The only governor to survive a recall election explains how conservatism won in a blue state. Heritage Foundation interview.
Post Tagged with: "Wisconsin recall"
No Middle Ground – Gov. Walker on Why Conservatives Don’t Need to Move to the Center to Win
Obama and Dems depend on unions – Totenberg
“.. could be in serious trouble.” Nina Totenberg, who points out that the party depends on tons of cash from Big Labor, and Big Labor is under big attack as attitudes shift across the country. Wisconsin is a big blow to Democrats. – Todd Fein
Krauthammer – unions “got whooped” in Wisconsin
Krauthammer telling it like it is.
Obama’s Socialist Allies Defeated in Wisconsin
All of this demonstrates the fact that the talk about Obama and socialism goes far beyond philosophical or ideological questions about one’s economic ideas. This is not just an academic discussion. The term “socialism” is associated with organizations, some benign but some openly hostile to the United States.
Krauthammer – Romney could win Wisconsin with Walker message
Walker has shown that a strong resolute conservative message can win against big well funded union democrats. Krauthammer suggest a lesson in the win for the Romney campaign.
Big Labor’s Big Boo-Boo
The liberals, their unions, their President, their media — all have to be defeated because there is no working with them. And last night, we did. Soundly. – American Thinker
Walker’s Victory Spells Doom For Public Sector Unions
[T]he governor’s recall election victory sends a clear message that should resonate around the nation: The fiscal cancer devouring state budgets has a cure, and he has found it.- Forbes
Reagan’s Advice Wins Again–Romney Should Pay Attention
Governor Walker’s victory proves once again the lesson Republicans should have learned in 1980: Reagan’s bold colors win elections. If Mitt Romney will adopt those bold conservative colors for his campaign and his administration, he will win, even in traditionally Democratic-leaning states like Wisconsin.
Gov Walker’s Victory Speech
Americans around the country are celebrating Gov. Scott Walker’s victory after a nasty recall prompted and funded by national unions angry with his reforms. Walker is the first Governor in history to survive a recall and won by 8 points. Walker’s Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch also won handily.
Pro-Walker Marine vet gets in the mix at Dem rally with Bill Clinton
Reporting for Wisconsin Reporter (, I captured this video of a pro-Walker Marine vet getting in the mix at the Democratic rally with Bill Clinton for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett June 1. – Dustin Hurst