36% are still living with parents. Burdened with debt obtaining worthless degrees in wacky liberal ideology, students continue to elect socialists that are ruining job chances, raising costs and stealing them blind. As Ernst once said “They get stupider and stupider every generation.”
Post Tagged with: "youth unemployment"
From PhD to Food Stamps? Gee Thanks Obama
A record high of 15% or 46.37 million Americans are on food stamps in June last year — that’s almost one in every seven Americans. That number is not expected to come down much …
Youth Unemployment — The Scariest Numbers In Europe
What’s really scary are these heart-stopping youth unemployment numbers. – Business Insider
20 Signs That The U.S. Poverty Explosion Is Hitting Children And Young People The Hardest
This is easily the worst economic environment that we have seen for young people since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The number of good jobs continues to decline. Many young people are faced with the choice of taking a bad job or having no job at all.
FED Action Delays Retirement – Means Fewer Jobs for Young Workers
There is not a chance in hell that younger workers are going to prosper looking at this chart. As a result, future tax revenues will be less than planned. The economy will lag well below potential. – Bruce Kasting
Obama’s Youth Vote – Not This Time
Just 31% of 18-29 year-olds approve of President Obama’s handling of youth unemployment. More than two-thirds of this age cohort is very unhappy with Obama.
Youth unemployment as high as 16.7%
Hoover said blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt. Meanwhile Obama promises to provide for them cradle to grave if they will just vote for him. Never mind that he has already spent their future with his $5 TRILLION spending spree on his redistribution and green corruption scams.
The Banishment of the Marginal Worker
Unemployment among this generation is frighteningly high all over the eurozone. These people are wandering and lost. They are slumming and rioting from Athens to London, and not one politician in power has a viable plan for what to do about it.
Generation Demoralized – a “lost” generation?
[M]ost people in this age range [16-24] do not work at all. Forget 19%; the problem affects 52%. That’s an incredible fact.
Obama’s Lost Generation
Unemployment among young people is 16%. Will they still support Obama in 2012? Prospects for jobs and future prosperity are dim under Obama’s policies but youth are easily swayed by leftist media promising a socialist Utopia.