Newspaper Ads Attack Obama’s War on Religious Freedom

May 14, 2012 05:45

Among several issues, the ad cites the freedom of speech lost by military chaplains and the mandate on religious organizations to furnish birth control and sterilization procedures.


Newspaper ads warning the public of the Obama Administration’s threats to religious freedom began running in Florida on Sunday, May 13th. The first newspaper ad was placed by the Religious Freedom Coalition in the Panama City News Herald. Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman William J. Murray said, “Our purpose is to pressure the Obama Administration to stop the war it is waging against religious liberty in America.” Among several issues, the ad cites the freedom of speech lost by military chaplains and the mandate on religious organizations to furnish birth control and sterilization procedures.


On May 16th additional ads will appear in the Washington County News in Chipley, FL and the Holmes County Times Advertiser in Bonifay, FL. The ad schedule will move south along the Florida Gulf Coast to areas around Tampa and Naples in the next few weeks. Murray said, “We will not advertise in big liberal newspapers, as our goal is not to anger liberals. Our goal is to encourage social conservatives to contact their congressmen and Senators and demand that Congress block President Barack Obama’s continued attacks on religious liberty with legislation such as that recently offered recently by Congressman Todd Akin to protect the rights of conscience for military chaplains.”

Information about the ads and a way to support them is at:



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