What do the “progressives” really mean when they talk about owning your kids? About “reforming” education?
Archive for Category: "Culture"
Angel Appears in 10 Yr Old Autistic Girl to Proclaim the Good News
An angel appeared as a ten year old autistic girl and proclaimed good news to all people. Kaylee Rodgers who attends Killard House School in Northern Ireland brings a moving message of hope in the song Hallelujah.
Welcome to the gay pitchforks and torches
Remember when we were promised that there would be a religious exemption to all the pro gay laws? Notice how the Nazi hedonists are always portrayed as people of love and compassion? The thought police are in full force in America. Agreeing with radical hedonists is now the government issued stamp for commerce. Perhaps the mark of the Beast? Agree or close up shop. Agree or face bigotry, death threats and public humiliation. Welcome to the devilution of man.
Maybe There Should Be a Comedy Propaganda Award Named After Jon Stewart
We should call it the Jon Stewart Goebbels Award after Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda.
Rope a Doper
Obama was a member of the “Choom Gang,” a group of heavy marijuana smokers, when he was growing up in Hawaii. His childhood mentor, Communist Party operative Frank Marshall Davis, was also a pothead.
Obama blames race (again) for unpopularity
It’s not because he’s black, it’s because he’s RED! Obama’s Marxist policies are destroying our economy, causing the poor to be poorer, devaluing our money, increasing our debt, destroying our healthcare, raising energy costs, dividing us by groups, dissing our allies and appeasing our enemies. – Bloomberg has the story ….
Left’s Idea of Fairness – Pedophile Allowed to Adopt
The Local reported a man convicted of molesting a five-year-old girl has been given permission to adopt a ten-year-old boy by Sweden’s municipality social affairs committee.
Manufacturing Intolerance
Their goal is not a tolerant society. It’s not a multiracial society or a post-racial society. It is a society perpetually at war over identity politics. That conflict is what gives them power.
On the Left Road to Hell
Summary of Obama & the left’s fundamental transformation of America into a socialist welfare state.
The Politicization of Healthcare
Here is where we are headed with totalitarians in charge of health care. Its never been about healthcare. Its always been about control. Leftist fascists will ban your large sodas, demand you use less salt, ban trans fats, and force you to eat less meat all in the name of healthcare and “what’s best for you.” Obamacare will be used to giver preferential care to the leftist believers, to those who adhere to the dogma of progressivism.