What do the “progressives” really mean when they talk about owning your kids? About “reforming” education?
Archive for Category: "Propaganda"
As record cold sweeps the globe and any micro warming stopped 15 years ago, more scientists are realizing that it’s the sun stupid not the CO2. We’ve been telling you for years that man caused global warming is a FRAUD!
Climate & Politics
“I desperately want to get politics out of the climate debate. The Paris climate agreement is all about empowering the U.N. and has nothing to do with the climate.” – Weather Channel founder John Coleman
Maybe There Should Be a Comedy Propaganda Award Named After Jon Stewart
We should call it the Jon Stewart Goebbels Award after Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda.
Gallup Confirms Fake Unemployment Numbers
We’ve had several articles debunking the low unemployment rate myth. Gallup CEO Jim Clifton reiterates the falsehoods in his Gallup article linked on Drudge.
Democrats LIE to get Elected – Don’t Be STUPID Again
Kentucky Senate candidate Grimes shown to be lying about support for coal to fool Kentucky’s largely Democrat voters who have had some of the lowest electric rates in the US thanks to coal. Recent EPA policies have cost Kentucky thousands of jobs in coal and related industries and made the cost of electricity skyrocket just as Obama promised he would do in 2008.
Lower GI Pay to Buy $150 a Gallon “Green” Fuel?
The Econuts are in charge of our national security. While the JCs call for lower pay and benefits, they pay as much as $150 per gallon for “green” jet fuel to prop up left wing campaign supporters and their insane business scams that bilk taxpayers over non-existent man-made global warming with “green” biofuels that are so expensive nobody can buy them but the government.
US Marine Vet: Obama Lied to Me
People waking up the propaganda about Obamacare and the lies our Decepticon president tells.
Comrade Mandela’s Secret Life
What was he trying to hide? And was there more to it than mere membership in the SACP?
The Alamo – Hallowed American Ground or UN Captive?
This is how despots at the United Nations run things. The Federal Government is allowing them to do it for the sake of more Federal power.