Out of nowhere comes a wind that wreaks havoc and destruction. Do we despair even though we have been warned?
Archive for Category: "Family"
Does the State Own the Child? Obama and Germany Say “Yes”
It wouldn’t be surprising to learn that Obama and his Attorney General would like to do everything possible to outlaw private schooling altogether, or at least homeschooling. But by what right do they make up law when it suits them, just because they happen to be in control right now? America was supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men.
Yes Obama, We Should Reform Child Support
We can no longer ignore the government’s complicity in the predictable social costs that result from more than 17 million children growing up without their fathers. Fatherless boys and girls are much more likely to run away, abuse drugs, get pregnant, drop out of school, commit suicide, or end up in jail.
How Men Are Being Systematically Emasculated In America Today
Why isn’t our country producing lots of strong, independent, hard working men of character like it once did?
Toward a More Family-Friendly Planet
For decades, liberals, progressives, feminists and welfare advocates have tried to find solutions to the problems associated with out-of-wedlock childbearing, single motherhood and child poverty — without advocating marriage in public policy. Their solutions? Taxpayer-funded contraceptives, abortions and expanding government welfare. We don’t need to ask how that has worked out. The answer is obvious.
Restoring the Foundations of Civil Society
If the Obama campaign machine and the larger Democratic Party organization are correct however, and America’s fundamental identity is shifting from “one nation under God” to “many tribes under Caesar,” then the implications for America’s future are dire.
UN Treaty Threatens Families – Call Your Senator 202-224-3121
It is outrageous that U.S. senators would support a treaty that surrenders U.S. sovereignty and family integrity to unelected UN bureaucrats.
Vote Your Vision
You should think long and hard about what you want the legacy for your children to be, and then be sure to get out and vote. The stakes couldn’t be higher, nor the consequences greater.
Abortion and poverty have taken the place of fathers
41% of all U.S. children are born to unmarried women: 35.7% of white children and an astounding 72.3% of black children. Children who grow up in single female-led homes are 5 times more likely to live in poverty.
Ignoring Anti Right Hate
These networks are aiding and abetting liberal violence by refusing to identify it as liberal violence. Whether it’s vandalism at Chick-fil-A or rapes in Occupy Wall Street camps, these networks simply cannot find “news” in liberal violence of any kind.