Media heads are trying to blame the GOP for DHS running out of funding but it is the Senate Democrats “amnesty before anything” that stops security funding. Here’s why.
Archive for Category: "Immigration & Border Security"
Grand Theft Obama: Biggest Heist in History
The American people are being robbed of their livelihoods, their security and their freedom. President Obama makes grand sweeping gestures and delivers soaring rhetoric about helping the poor and achieving fairness. But he merely draws our attention away from the hand that is reaching deep into our pockets.
Immigration Is Not The Problem
We don’t need to take in external leeches to bankrupt ourselves. Our welfare system is converting enough citizens into dependents that it will sink the country without adding external dependents to the roles.
5 Immigration Questions – Call Your Congressman
A pro-amnesty coalition of business and union interests is putting the squeeze on members of the House.
Limbaugh: Democrats Need Uneducated, Hopeless, Unskilled Underclass… “That’s Their Base”
Obama said he would make SEIU agenda America’s agenda. The Sec/Treas. of SEIU said amnesty will provide 8 million new “progressive”(socialist) voters and change election outcomes for a generation. Don’t be stupid again.
O’ministration Encourages Illegals to Get food Stamps – in Mexican Embassy! – 2 Food Stamp Recipients Per Job Created
A flier given to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA highlights that “you need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.” – IBD
Lib Love Fest – Schumer & McCain Celebrate Amnesty Bill
McCain has always been a liberal. He wants his face in the news so bad he will capitulate on anything. McCain would compromise with the Devil if he thought the liberal media would praise him for it. Oh wait, he has and they do.
Amnesty Bill Will Spell the End of Our Republic
Call and email Senators and House members. Urge your friends and neighbors to do the same. If this passes the Senate our last chance will be the House. We need to let them know now what we think.
American Melting Pot No Longer Hot Enough
The proliferation of federal entitlements programs, inadequate monitoring of temporary visas, an open southern border with Mexico, lack of voter IDs, and a progressive government with a liberal agenda, has brought us to the immigration reform panic we face today. The U.S. has not proven to be up to the financial and cultural task of integrating so many new people.
Don’t be STUPID! Don’t Repeat the Mistakes of 1986 — Stop the Gang of Eight Bill
Terminator Ted Cruz says stop the amnesty bill. Don’t be fooled again. He compares the Democrats to Wimpy. “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”