Kentucky Senate candidate Grimes shown to be lying about support for coal to fool Kentucky’s largely Democrat voters who have had some of the lowest electric rates in the US thanks to coal. Recent EPA policies have cost Kentucky thousands of jobs in coal and related industries and made the cost of electricity skyrocket just as Obama promised he would do in 2008.
Archive for Category: "Elections"
Why do We Have a Constitution?
“Only a demagogue can represent as ‘antidemocratic’ the limitations which long-term decisions and the general principles held by the people impose upon the power of temporary majorities.” – F. A Hayek
Dem Tyranny Spreads
You can see how Obama would appoint someone to the FCC, which controls our media, who has praised the actions of former socialist dictator Hugo Chavez in suppressing free speech in Venezuela. Yes, Obama’s appointee Mark Lloyd really did that! More…>>>
No Middle Ground – Gov. Walker on Why Conservatives Don’t Need to Move to the Center to Win
The only governor to survive a recall election explains how conservatism won in a blue state. Heritage Foundation interview.
NYC Mayor-Elect Reveals Radical Abortion Agenda
The new mayor’s plans not only put his ignorance on display, they reveal the fact that he is not interested in a woman’s “right to choose,” but rather, that he supports only the abortion…
Grand Theft Obama: Biggest Heist in History
The American people are being robbed of their livelihoods, their security and their freedom. President Obama makes grand sweeping gestures and delivers soaring rhetoric about helping the poor and achieving fairness. But he merely draws our attention away from the hand that is reaching deep into our pockets.
Libertarian Voters Key to Virginia Victory
“Why let the hard Left win by default?”
In Defense of the TEA Party
Why are Democrats, main stream Republicans, the news media and the Washington, DC establishment so desperate to kill the TEA Party? Why do they fear it so?
Old Geezers Stampede
Maybe America is waking up. My father is an “old geezer.” He is retired Air Force, a combat veteran and an old style conservative Democrat. That was before Democrats became socialists. He forwarded me the email below titled Old Geezers.
Limbaugh: Democrats Need Uneducated, Hopeless, Unskilled Underclass… “That’s Their Base”
Obama said he would make SEIU agenda America’s agenda. The Sec/Treas. of SEIU said amnesty will provide 8 million new “progressive”(socialist) voters and change election outcomes for a generation. Don’t be stupid again.