Lower GI Pay to Buy $150 a Gallon “Green” Fuel?
The Econuts are in charge of our national security. While the JCs call for lower pay and benefits, they pay as much as $150 per gallon for “green” jet fuel to prop up left wing campaign supporters and their insane business scams that bilk taxpayers over non-existent man-made global warming with “green” biofuels that are so expensive nobody can buy them but the government.
By Michael Whipple, Editor usACTIONnews.com
The only legitimate function of the federal government is national security. Our military personnel are some of the best in the world. The strength of our military is its volunteer nature. Up until this flaccid president took over, our military was held in respect by our allies and enemies alike around the world. Now not so much.
With Obama being led around by campaign contributors and his enviro-wacko staff of Marxist grand larcenists, our military is pushing for lowering pay and benefits for its men and women. Liberals hate the military anyway and see the military as nothing more than a big government force for leftist social policy implementation.
The Econuts are in charge of our national security. While the JCs call for lower pay and benefits, they pay as much as $150 per gallon for “green” jet fuel to prop up left wing campaign supporters and their insane business scams that bilk taxpayers over non-existent man-made global warming with “green” biofuels that are so expensive nobody can buy them but the government.
Obama’s so called “science” czar, John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, is an example of the left wing lunatics running the Washington asylum:
‘Holdren has co-authored works in the past that called for a campaign to “de-develop the United States” and said people need to eventually face up to a “world of zero net physical growth.” He also co-authored a passage that said: “The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being. Where any of these essential elements is lacking, the resultant individual will be deficient in some respect.”’ – Nicholas Ballasy at CNSNews.com [emphasis added]
In an august 2012 article we noted that Obama was Blowing Up Military Budget With Biofuel:
“If America had a “Spend Like a Drunken Sailor Award,” Navy Secretary Ray Mabus would win hands-down, for blowing $12 million on biofuel for Navy ships.”
… The only way the Navy fiasco looks good is by comparison to the Air Force spending $59 a gallon for alcohol-to-jet fuel and $67 per gallon for camelina-based F-22 Raptor fuel – or the Navy’s 2009 purchase of 20,000 gallons of renewable diesel for $424 per gallon!
If Mabus achieves his “goal” and “persuades” the Navy to make half of its fuel “green” by 2020, the higher cost biofuels could add $1.9 billion annually to Navy’s fuel bill, according to a Defense Department study. That extra outlay would pay for a new DDG-51 destroyer and comes as the Defense Department budget faces $13 billion in cuts for Navy shipbuilding over the next four years.” – Paul Driessen at usACTIONnews.com
That’s a lot of “green” that has to be cut from from the salaries of our enlisted men and women? How long will Americans put up with this national suicide?
Also please consider:
Obama Blowing Up Military Budget With Biofuel
Obama Promises Economic Suicide with Looney Green Binge
Obama’s War on Jobs
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The Audacity of Deceit – Media Will Push Obama’s Climate Lies
EPA Climate Fascism
U.N. Continues Push for Global Hegemony with Climate Hoax
Continuing Collapse of Global Warming Hoax
Mindless “green” indoctrination of our children
Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?
Manufactured Crisis of Global Warming aka Climate Change
$11,000,000.00 Spent Per “Green” Job Ceated
Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda
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Green Nazis
Frightening Quotes from Environmentalists
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Sustainable Nonsense
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Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?
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The New Robber Barons and Their Thief in Chief
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The Speed of Progressivism
UN Agenda 21 – Coming to a Neighborhood near You
Agenda 21-The U.N. Plan for Your “Sustainable” Community
LOL – “Green” jobs includes garbage men, oil lobbyists
$9 million dollars per green job – Are we insane? – Four more years of this?
Obama green jobs cost over $13 million each – that’s a jobs plan
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