Happy, Healthy and Hot- new Girl Scouts sex guide by Planned Parenthood
The guide advocates “different types of sex,” that people with HIV not tell their sexual partners of their condition, and that being drunk or high while having sex “is your choice.” The manual was produced by a partner of the Girl Scouts, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which reportedly receives $300 million a year in aid from various countries.
From Concerned Women for America:
The Girl Scouts reputation took a hit recently when it was revealed that the group hosted a “no adults allowed” meeting at the United Nations (U.N.) where a graphic sex guide was distributed. The guide advocates “different types of sex,” that people with HIV not tell their sexual partners of their condition, and that being drunk or high while having sex “is your choice.” The manual was produced by a partner of the Girl Scouts, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which reportedly receives $300 million a year in aid from various countries.
The sex guide is titled, “Healthy, Happy and Hot — a young person’s guide to their rights, sexuality and living with HIV” (and can be viewed as a PDF download here).
The World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides held the session during the U.N.’s annual Commission on the Status of Women meeting. The sex guide was obtained by Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International, who attended the meeting. When C-FAM, a pro-life group that monitors the U.N., reported on it, the Girl Scouts denied the brochure was “handed out” at the meeting. Yet the group has not denounced the brochure or the irresponsible advice that puts adolescents at risk of abuse and disease and advocates abortion.
The Girl Scouts association with Planned Parenthood made national news in 2004 when a local pro-life group in Waco, Texas, called for a boycott on their local troop’s annual cookie drive. The troop’s leaders had sponsored Planned Parenthood’s “Nobody’s Fool” event for teens and pre-teens.
At that time, Kathy Cloninger, CEO of the Girl Scouts of America, appeared on NBC’s “Today Show” to reaffirm their relationship with Planned Parenthood. She stated, “We partner with many organizations. We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.”
As reported by CWA in 2005, the Girl Scouts 50th Annual Convention featured pro-abortion and pro-lesbian speakers.
Excerpts from the sex guide (Warning: Graphic material):
“Young people living with HIV have the right to sexual pleasure. Sex can feel great and can be really fun! Many people think sex is just about vaginal or anal intercourse. … But, there are lots of different ways to have sex and lots of different types of sex. … Some people like to have aggressive sex, while others like to have soft and slow sex with their partners. … There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!”
“Improve your sex life by getting to know your own body. Play with yourself! Masturbation is a great way to find out more about your body and what you find sexually stimulating. Mix things up by using different kinds of touch from very soft to hard. Talk about or act out your fantasies. Talk dirty to them.”
“Don’t stop there: Find out how your partner’s body works.”
“Some countries have laws that say people living with HIV must tell their sexual partner(s) about their status before having sex, even if they use condoms or only engage in sexual activity with a low risk of giving HIV to someone else. These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.”
“There are many reasons that people do not share their HIV status. … They may worry that people will find out something else they have kept secret, like they are using injecting drugs, having sex outside of a marriage or having sex with people of the same gender. … Get involved in advocacy to change laws that violate your rights.”
“Some people have sex when they have been drinking alcohol or using drugs. This is your choice. Being drunk or high can affect the decisions you might make about sex or safer sex. If you want to have sex and think you might get drunk or high, plan ahead by bringing condoms and lube or putting them close to where you usually have sex.”
“Women may have an unplanned pregnancy, even if they and their partner(s) use contraceptives, and may wish to terminate their pregnancy by having a safe abortion. Unplanned pregnancies can be stressful for both partners and can strain the relationship, whether you decide to continue or terminate the pregnancy. Make sure you get support from a registered family planning clinic so that you can access supportive counseling, a safe abortion procedure and follow-up services.”
“Some healthcare workers and service providers think that young people or people living with HIV should not have sex. They may let their personal opinions get in the way of providing good information and services. Remember that you have sexual and reproductive rights. You can report bad service to the manager, ask to see another staff person at the clinic, or find another clinic where you feel respected”
The Girl Scouts’ partnership with Planned Parenthood to promote risky sexual activity and abortion lines up with the strategy publicized by another pro-abortion organization, UNFPA. UNFPA is the U.N.’s family planning agency and works closely with Planned Parenthood. At a training conference in 2009 for non-governmental organizations, UNFPA outlined a plan to “create a need” for reproductive and sexual services such as contraception, testing and treatment for sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, and HIV/AIDS treatments. The plan includes producing and distributing graphic sex education curriculum that encourages kids to engage in risky sexual activity and eliminating parental and age restrictions.
These groups work together to steal children’s innocence and make them vulnerable to the negative consequences of promiscuity, thereby creating clients for their abortion and STD services (or, in their terms, reproductive and sexual services). Parents need to be aware of these groups’ plans for their children.
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