Hollywood’s Blind Side
By Rev. Bill Shuler – FOXNews.com
The Oscars will take on a new meaning for many this Sunday. Sure, the usual offerings will be present representing Hollywood at its most gratuitous but there is a surprise addition this year…a story of faith. “The Blind Side,” nominated for best picture is the first film in history, according to Variety, to be driven solely by a female star — Sandra Bullock — to top the $200 million domestic box office mark.
Hollywood would do well to take notice. There is a huge audience looking for films that are closer to the beat of America’s pulse. Faith, values and stories of redemption resonate beyond Hollywood. “The Blind Side” is a movie based on the book, “The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game,” by Michael Lewis. It is the true story of a conservative, Christian family from Memphis, Tennessee who take in Michael Oher, an inner-city youth who is struggling with his grades. The clash of cultures is overcome by love resulting in Michael becoming one of the nation’s top college football players and one who also earns a place on the Dean’s list at the University of Mississippi and eventually goes on to become an offensive tackle with the Baltimore Ravens.
The impact of the media on our youth today is 450% greater than time spent with parents, school and church combined (this is according to “Movie Guide”). For too long sex, drugs, alcohal abuse and the like have been the steady offerings of a movie industry that has lost touch with its audience. “The Blind Side” is proof that a movie of excellence can be made that is respectful in its view of God, faith and family.
“The Blind Side” is more than good entertainment. It has led many families to give adoption and foster parenting another look. It has challenged us to look beyond color and see people with a love that transcends self. It has created an appetite for more than Hollywood’s traditional fare.
Rev. Bill Shuler is pastor of Capital Life Church in Arlington, Virginia.
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