Marco Rubio controls debate with Crist on Fox

March 29, 2010 03:45

Do you want a candidate that would have stood up to Barack Obama, voted against the stimulus and supported something that would have cost less money and created more jobs?” said Rubio. “If that’s the candidate you want, that would be me. Or do you want the next Republican senator from Florida to be someone who would have voted with the Democrats for the stimulus package, and that candidate would be Gov. Crist?”


Former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio used the first debate of the Republican Senate primary Sunday to repeatedly link Gov. Charlie Crist to President Barack Obama.

In a 40-minute face-off broadcast nationally on “Fox News Sunday,” Rubio hammered Crist for supporting Obama’s 2009 economic stimulus package — a bill deeply unpopular with conservative voters likely to turn out for the August 24 primary.

“The choice for Republicans in Florida is: Do you want a candidate that would have stood up to Barack Obama, voted against the stimulus and supported something that would have cost less money and created more jobs?” said Rubio. “If that’s the candidate you want, that would be me. Or do you want the next Republican senator from Florida to be someone who would have voted with the Democrats for the stimulus package, and that candidate would be Gov. Crist?”

It’s that frame on the race that has enabled the once-underfunded Rubio to stake out a double-digit lead against Crist, the early establishment favorite.

Crist not only defended his embrace of the stimulus but said that he would have voted for it had he been in the Senate, making the case that Florida’s economy was in desperate straits at the time and that his decision reflected an example of “putting people above politics.”

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