Poll: 40% Think Obama Is a Socialist – other 60% still duped
A Harris Poll released Wednesday found that 40 percent of Americans say Mr. Obama is a socialist, a third think he’s a Muslim, a quarter think he was not even born in the U.S., is not eligible to be president and is a “domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of.”
Jennifer Harper at Newsmax writes:
Certain robust public perceptions about President Obama have surfaced among average citizens rather than so-called “wingnuts” and “lunatic fringe.”
A Harris Poll released Wednesday found that 40 percent of Americans say Mr. Obama is a socialist, a third think he’s a Muslim, a quarter think he was not even born in the U.S., is not eligible to be president and is a “domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of.”
The pollster asked provocative questions indeed, with equally provocative findings.
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Among other things, the poll also found that three-out-of-10 Americans think Mr. Obama “wants to turn over the sovereignty of the U.S. to a one-world government.” About an equal number – 29 percent – said he had “done many things that are unconstitutional” while 27 percent said “he resents America’s heritage.”
Between 20 percent and 23 percent said Mr. Obama is “a racist,” “anti-American” and “is doing many of the things that Hitler did.” Fourteen percent went so far as to agree that Mr. Obama “may be the anti-Christ” while 13 percent said “he wants the terrorists to win.”
Predictably, there was a huge partisan divide. For example, 67 percent of both Republicans and conservatives said Mr. Obama was a socialist, compared with 14 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of liberals.
“The very large numbers of people who believe all these things of President Obama help to explain the size and strength of the ‘tea party movement,’ a topic that will be addressed in another Harris Poll in a few days time,” said Harris Poll Chairman Humphrey Taylor.
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