With Less Than a Month Until Easter, Christian Security Network Warns Most Churches Not Prepared
“With almost 300 crimes against churches so far this year, criminals know churches remain ‘soft targets'” states church security expert
From Christian News Wire:
CINCINNATI, Ohio, March 11 /Christian Newswire/ — So far in 2010 Christian organizations in the United States have experienced 13 acts of violence resulting in three deaths, 20 arsons, and tens of thousands of dollars in property loss, according to the Christian Security Network.
“Criminals are becoming more aware that churches are ‘soft targets’ and targeting them with greater frequency, whether it is property crimes or personal attacks” stated Jeff Hawkins, executive director of the Christian Security Network (CSN) (www.christiansecuritynetwork.org)
CSN published a report this January for 2009 crimes against Christian churches, however with Easter approaching, Hawkins knows that crimes will increase.
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