America’s Choice: Arizona or Amnesty
Arizona lawmakers, led by state Sen. Russell Pearce, have once again shown courage and boldness in their efforts to protect their citizens from the brutal consequences of an open border. Their latest measure is so tough and effective against illegal immigration that, if it is upheld in the courts, it could be the beginning of the end of massive illegal immigration in this country.
by Bay Buchanan at Human Events
Arizona lawmakers, led by state Sen. Russell Pearce, have once again shown courage and boldness in their efforts to protect their citizens from the brutal consequences of an open border. Their latest measure is so tough and effective against illegal immigration that, if it is upheld in the courts, it could be the beginning of the end of massive illegal immigration in this country.
Where Washington lacked the will to enforce the immigration laws of the country, Arizona may have come up with the means by which local communities will have the tools to do the job themselves. And there is no question; they do have the will.
It is no surprise that La Raza and the open-border crowd in Washington are up in arms, demanding the President pass a “comprehensive immigration” bill this year. It is their last hope.
Americans are outraged at the failure of the federal government to do its job—and state and local governments have stepped in where the feds have feared to go. Arizona has raised the standard for laws against illegal immigrants—they have made it a state crime to be in Arizona illegally. They no longer need Washington to solve this problem.
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