Dems to ram through cap & tax green police bill with 51 vote reconciliation
Sen. Inhofe has been a longtime opponent of cap-and-trade legislation to curb carbon emissions, and he is an outspoken critic of the theory of manmade global warming, which he has called the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.”
By: Jim Meyers at
With passage of a healthcare reform bill under their belts, congressional Democrats soon may be turning their attention to climate change legislation. But Sen. Jim Inhofe tells Newsmax that they have no chance of passing a cap-and-trade bill.
The Oklahoma legislator — the Ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee — also says Democrats have been only “temporarily” successful in passing healthcare reform because Republicans will ultimately repeal it.
Sen. Inhofe has been a longtime opponent of cap-and-trade legislation to curb carbon emissions, and he is an outspoken critic of the theory of manmade global warming, which he has called the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.”
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