Floridians reject Obama at Tea Party rally
“For too long, we’ve sat on the couch and complained,” Jacobs said. “It’s time we change it. We’re going to take our country back.”
By Matthew Boyle – The Daily Caller
About 5,000 Tea Party protesters gathered in St. Augustine on Saturday to voice their concerns regarding Democratic control of Washington, staying mostly positive despite an apparent effort to disrupt their rally.
Keynote speaker Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher set the tone by urging Tea Partiers to act, donate time or money to candidates and take their future into their own hands.
“I honestly think it’s absurd I became famous for doing my job as an American,” Wurzelbacher said. “As far as I’m concerned, I gave President Barack Obama a job interview. In my estimate, he failed but, unfortunately, the rest of the country thought he succeeded.”
Wurzelbacher said he mostly blames Congress and the American people for not stepping up and projecting their voices, but he argued that many of the country’s problems began with Obama.
“President Obama took a jab at the Tea Parties yesterday and the day before,” Wurzelbacher said. “That tells me he’s a little concerned. I won’t necessarily say worried, but he’s definitely concerned that the American people are speaking up.”
Saint Johns County Tea Party founder and organizer BreeLee Johnston decided to hold the local rally today instead of Tax Day so that people who have to work or go to school could do just that.
The rally brought together groups from all over Northeast and Central Florida.
Baker County events coordinator Joey Jacobs made the 90-minute drive to St. Augustine show his support for the cause.
“For too long, we’ve sat on the couch and complained,” Jacobs said. “It’s time we change it. We’re going to take our country back.”
Ken Hoagland, author of “The FairTax Solution,” who also keynoted the rally, said the top problem facing the U.S. right now is that it has become a government for aristocrats.
“The political class are using the national treasury to advance their own political ambitions and have badly corrupted the tax code,” Hoagland said. “Hidden from the public is the connection between government spending and personal earnings, and we are spinning our way off of a cliff.”
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