Have You Ever Noticed?
Have you ever noticed that many on the left Left have no sense of humor and are unable to laugh at themselves while reveling in off-color commentary about the rest of us?
By Steve McCann at Center for a Just Society
The late George Carlin often began a commentary on the passing American scene with the phrase: “Have you ever noticed…”
In that spirit herewith some observations on our friends in the Left (also known as Progressives or Liberals):
Have you ever noticed that many on the left Left have no sense of humor and are unable to laugh at themselves while reveling in off-color commentary about the rest of us?
Of course it stands to reason that if one is deeply committed to saving the world from the ravages of mankind and the irresponsibility of capitalism it is very serious business. Only those with a superior intellect and sense of destiny need apply. Therefore some on the left see little need to enter into a debate with conservative non-believers.
That could explain why the Left has been such a failure in talk radio. When ideology trumps all to the exclusion of reason debate, it becomes difficult to talk of anything else much less do so in an entertaining or self-deprecating manner.
Have you ever noticed that to many on the Left political ideology is a religion, while to the rest of us religion is the antidote to their political ideology?
The bedrock of progressive political philosophy is the principle that the state is dominant over man. This principle forms the basis for Marxism, Socialism, Nazism, or any of the other isms proven over the centuries to be a failure. In contrast, religion, particularly Christianity, teaches that only God is superior to man. Therefore many of the more extreme, consistent progressives cannot accept religion and must denigrate those who do. Lacking a belief in a direct relationship between God and man, these extreme leftists must promise their allegiance to a statist ideology.
The United States, founded on the tenet that the state serves the citizen, has become the most successful nation in the history of mankind. In order for the Left to change the United States into a socialist paradise they must overthrow the founding principle of the country.
Many on the modern American Left, as so many before them throughout history, worship at the altar of statism. They see it as a vehicle to fulfill their self-serving belief that they alone are pre-ordained to rule the masses. It is immaterial that the socialist state they desire has never succeeded anywhere; they believe their state can succeed where others have failed.
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