Lindsey Grahamnesty not feeling the love? Bails on climate bill
“Moving forward on immigration – in this hurried, panicked manner – is nothing more than a cynical political ploy,” the South Carolina Republican wrote in a sharply-worded letter to business, religious, and conservation leaders that the senator has been working with on the climate change legislation.
via CNN
In a stunning move that could throw a major roadblock in front of two of President Obama’s biggest legislative initiatives, Sen. Lindsey Graham abruptly declared Saturday he’s abandoning talks on climate change legislation because he believes Democratic efforts to bring up a separate immigration reform package is undermining the legislative process.
“Moving forward on immigration – in this hurried, panicked manner – is nothing more than a cynical political ploy,” the South Carolina Republican wrote in a sharply-worded letter obtained by CNN.
The letter was sent to business, religious, and conservation leaders that the senator has been working with on the climate change legislation. An aide to Graham told CNN the senator will no longer be attending a major news conference scheduled for Monday with Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut to unveil details of their “tri-partisan” climate change legislation.
Graham is the only leading Republican who has been working with the White House on the contentious issue.
A senior White House official told CNN that in recent days Graham has been privately threatening that he would abandon the climate talks unless Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, backed off of plans to push forward with comprehensive immigration reform ahead of the environmental legislation.
Reid released a statement Saturday saying he’s still committed to tackling both issues and will not be deterred by Graham’s decision.
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