Socialists and American Unions

April 16, 2010 03:30

Are we so comfortable in the freedom we have always known; that we have not taken the time to realize that in our liberty for all men; we also allow the seeds of enslavement  to grow?

From We of the People

When a father or mother has his sick or hungry child sitting on their lap asking for care or food, that he or she cannot provide;  what deal is this parent willing to make with devils so they can provide for the need?

With extreme hardship, more often than not, there also comes a tremendous draw on our morality. Good verses evil. To live as free men or succumb to the yoke of oppression and imprisonment.  The potential of enduring joblessness,  hunger, displacement or pain to secure your future  and the future of your children and grandchildren to live as free men beholding only to themselves is too easy to visualize in recent times.

As Americans, we have grown up in a land of plenty, a land of beauty and a land that has always offered boundless opportunity. A land where parents have never given a second thought to our children not being safe from abandoned land mines, while cutting across a field as a short cut to the school bus stop. There are citizens of other countries who have not lived with the liberty we as Americans take for granted.

The question is, are we so comfortable in the freedom we have always known; that we have not taken the time to realize that in our liberty for all men; we also allow the seeds of enslavement  to grow?

As an example; how many of our American youth wear  the “Che” t-shirts? It is their right to do so. The Cheware, they report is considered a status symbol.  I wonder how many of these young Americans have taken the time to study Ernesto Che Guevara, the socialist and  heartless murderer who bragged when he shot normal citizens “weak men, women and children” in the head. He was a terrorist who led the way to obtain atomic weapons to hopefully be used to destroy America, that disgusting bastion of freedom and their spoiled brats their fat children who have never know “real hardship and purpose”.

Ernesto Che Guevara the socialist and  heartless murderer believed in big government. Big government his way, as most oppressors do, and he managed firing squads,  instituted agrarian reform of industries, was national bank president,  instructional director for Cuba’s armed forces, and was a diplomat on behalf of Cuban socialism. He played a central role in bringing to Cuba the Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missiles which precipitated the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. His wish was to kill every freedom loving American.

Socialist and American Unions

Money = Power
More members = more money = more power over the people.

In the United States, the Communist Party USA was formed in 1919 from members of the Socialist Party of America.

During the Great Depression workers organized against their deteriorating conditions.

  • The socialists jumped in to increase their membership rolls. Money = Power and More members = more money = more power over the people. Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”.
  • In 1934 the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike was led by the Communist League of America. Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”.
  • The West Coast Longshore Strike was led by the Communist Party USA . Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”.
  • The Toledo Auto-Lite Strike was led by the American Workers Party and played a part in the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the USA. . Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”.
  • In Minnesota, the General Drivers Local 574 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters struck, despite an attempt to block the vote by AFL officials, demanding union recognition, increased wages, shorter hours, overtime rates, improved working conditions and job protection through seniority.
  • In the battles that followed, which captured country-wide media attention,
  • three strikes took place,
  • martial law was declared
  • The National Guard was sent in.
  • Two strikers were killed.
  • Protest rallies of 40,000 were held.
  • Farrell Dobbs, who became the leader of the local, was a member of the Communist League of America. Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”..
  • Success for the CIO quickly followed its formation.
  • In 1937, one of the unions of the CIO, the United Auto Workers, won union recognition at General Motors Corporation after a tumultuous forty-four day sit-down strike.  Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”.
  • Steel Workers Organizing Committee, formed by the CIO, won a collective bargaining agreement with U.S. Steel.Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergency”.
  • The CIO merged with the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1955 becoming the AFL-CIO. Remember – Rahm Emanuel said, “Never waste an emergence

Socialist promote progressive political candidates only to promote their Socialist agenda. America has stood as the shining light of liberty and freedom for the oppressed and enslaved. Our people, born in freedom, have stood to preserve liberty and freedom for those who seek it. Socialism akin to sand in an hourglass steadily progresses  until it fills and consumes the intended vessel.

For the preservation of our freedom and liberty it is time to survey the landscape of American politics.  Today it was announced  by every news outlet that Mr. Andrew Stern, head of S.E.I.U. and record holder of having the most visits to the White House plans to retire. Why would he retire if there is not bigger plans and more money in his future? This American, can only hope his future does not position him with more power over American lives, our fortune or our freedom and liberty.
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