Jed Babbin: Obama’s politically correct ‘leadership’ invites military disasters
Obama’s leadership failed. Russia, China and Iran aren’t willing to compromise to support Obama’s agenda. Unfortunately, some of our military leaders are. He is leading them in transforming our military into a politically correct force.
Congressional liberals and their amen media chorus often proclaim President Obama a great leader, but the most important nations — and a principled few among our senior military leaders — have declined to follow.
A leader has to inspire confidence and earn loyalty. His success is defined not by the newspapers who laud him, but by his ability to gain the support of skeptics and concessions from adversaries to achieve his goals.
Like President Bush before him, though Obama proclaims a nuclear-armed Iran “unacceptable,” he is either unwilling or incapable of leading the world to take any effective action to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons. Obama has said he wants further sanctions against Iran, but has failed to gain even the acquiescence of China and Russia.
Seeking Chinese support for new U.N. sanctions against Iran, Obama postponed until after his nuclear summit the release of a Treasury Department report labeling China a currency manipulator that is damaging America’s economy.
But Chinese officials conceded nothing: They insist on discussions about sanctions, postponing action on them.
Obama’s leadership failed. Russia, China and Iran aren’t willing to compromise to support Obama’s agenda. Unfortunately, some of our military leaders are. He is leading them in transforming our military into a politically correct force.
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