Majority of Americans Believe Future of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Should be Left Up to Military Commanders, Zogby Poll Finds

May 27, 2010 04:52

But since when has this congress or president cared about what the public thinks.

By Nick Dean at

Fifty-nine (59) percent of Americans think military leaders, rather than Congress, should be making the decision about the military policy on homosexuality, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Family Research Center.

The Zogby International telephone survey, which was conducted May 17, asked 2,063 people: “As pertains to homosexuals openly serving in the military, do you believe this decision is best made by military leaders or Congress?”

Only 21 percent said Congress should make the decision — and 18 percent answered neither or “not sure.”

Despite that majority, Senate Democratic leaders announced plans on Monday to fast-track a bill that would repeal the current “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. A vote on that bill could come this week.


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