Obama Madoff with Our Tax Dollars
What we have in Barack Obama is an American president pushing trillion-dollar financial policies that exhibit many of the same characteristics of Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.
By Neil Braithwaite at American Thinker
Don’t you just love it when rich executives get implicated in corporate scandals and the media starts asking obvious questions, like “Didn’t anyone see this coming?” “Who is responsible for watching these guys?” And “Why weren’t they caught sooner?”
While this scenario seems to play out every several years or so, the tale of Bernie Madoff and his billion-dollar Ponzi scheme seems to have topped them all.
It was reported that when questioned in federal prison by a group of lawyers about his Ponzi scheme, Bernie Madoff said, “I’m surprised I wasn’t caught sooner.” Madoff went on to say that on several occasions when he met with the SEC, he thought, “They got me.”
Madoff’s confessions present the best insight of how someone carries off such an enormous Ponzi scheme right under the noses of family, friends, employees, business associates, and state and federal regulators.
It should give every American pause when they consider that Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was enabled not only because a number of highly trained professionals missed so many obvious signs, but also because many of Madoff’s powerful connections actually turned a blind eye to the facts regarding his illegal financial endeavors.
What we had in Bernie Madoff was a well-connected financial guru who for all intents and purposes could do no wrong. Included among those who believed Madoff could do no wrong were Madoff’s loyal employees, the financial establishment (including the SEC), the United States Congress (including his buddy Sen. Chuck Schumer), many prominent business executives, and a large social network of rich ultra-elites.
What we have in Barack Obama is an American president pushing trillion-dollar financial policies that exhibit many of the same characteristics of Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.
Similar to Madoff’s powerful elite and business establishment connections, President Obama has many powerful and loyal connections in both business and government, many of whom are clearly overlooking obvious signs of trouble, with some even turning a blind eye to the facts regarding the president’s financial policies.
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