All about Sharron Angle
The background of the woman who’s taking on Harry Reid. Harry Reid should be worried.
Robert Costa at NRO
When Sharron Angle stepped into National Review’s boardroom on Monday, she wasn’t flanked by a phalanx of aides. It was just her; her husband, Ted; and a friend. They sat down, cracked open Diet Cokes, and began to chat. Sen. Harry Reid, we thought, would be the main topic of conversation. We all wanted to find out about how Angle, Nevada’s GOP Senate nominee, plans to topple the Senate majority leader come November. While we heard a lot about that, NR also learned a bit more — about who Angle is, and why she’s running.
“I’m an accidental politician,” Angle says. Forty years ago, she recalls, two big things happened during her senior year at the University of Nevada, Reno: One, she married Ted, and two, she changed her academic focus from the fine arts to education. That education bug was reawakened eleven years later, in 1981, when her son, she says softly, “failed kindergarten.”
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