Bachmann says Obama sending ‘signals of weakness’ on Israel
“We have to ask if the Obama administration remains committed to the state of Israel and the right of Israel to exist and defend herself,” Bachmann told POLITICO. “The Obama administration, through its word and its actions, has been sending the world mixed signals at best.”
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has encouraged Israel’s enemies by sending “signals of weakness” in the U.S. commitment to its ally.
“We have to ask if the Obama administration remains committed to the state of Israel and the right of Israel to exist and defend herself,” Bachmann told POLITICO. “The Obama administration, through its word and its actions, has been sending the world mixed signals at best.”
Bachmann’s criticism came a day after a raid by Israeli commandos aboard a ship headed for Gaza turned violent. Nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, prompting condemnation of the raid by Turkey and other Islamic countries.
After reviewing a video tape, Bachmann insisted that the commandos who dropped onto the ship from helicopters were attacked by the activists. “Yet, Israel is being called upon to apologize,” she said.
While the incident sparked outrage around the world, the administration has been cautious in its response – which Bachmann argued sends an unmistakable signal of its own.
The president has demonstrated “less than clear, full support for the state of Israel,” Bachmann said. “Now Israel’s detractors act as though Israel has no friends. … It’s more important now than ever that the Obama administration and the United States are committed to the state of Israel.”
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