Help Stop the EPA Power Grab – Act now! -too little, too late -failed 43 to 57
The vote to stop the EPA from usurping the powers of Congress will be tight. Here’s how you can help.
Iain Murray at NRO
I wrote this morning in the American Spectator about how tight the vote is on Senator Murkowski’s bid to stop the EPA regulating CO2. It looks like Sen. Scott Brown is fully on board now, and three cheers to him for that, but thanks to a midnight deal by an obviously scared Harry Reid, Senator Webb of Virginia looks like he’s going to vote no.
If you’re a Virginian, get on to his office. You can call 1-866-507-1570 or use this handy-dandy message generator, courtesy of FreedomAction, to send his office an email.
Other senators are also on the fence. If you’re a constituent of any of these and want EPA’s power grab stopped, call or message them using the link above or this one from Americans for Prosperity. The senators that most need to hear from their constituents are:
Sen. Bayh, Indiana
Sen. Dorgan, North Dakota
Sen. Conrad (apparently targeted by Reid, like Sen. Webb), North Dakota
Sen. Tester, Montana
Sen. Pryor, Arkansas
Sen. Warner, Virginia
Sen. Begich, Alaska
Here are some things you can tell them:
? Every senator who votes no is taking full responsibility for the consequences of EPA regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions.
? The Reid alternative, a vote on Sen. Rockefeller’s bill to delay regulation by two years, is not an adequate alternative. Who will invest in a new factory if EPA is going to begin regulating emissions within two years? Even Sen. Rockefeller is supporting Sen. Murkowski.
? The argument many Senators are making, that this is a vote against higher fuel-economy standards, is silly. See here.
This issue is vital. Any help you can give is much appreciated.
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