Industry Pushing Global Warming Tax
It’s too bad the BPs of the world and its allied groups are left with open field running to push their scheme. Unless, of course, you have email, a telephone, and/or a fax machine.
By Chris Horner at American Spectator
From Politico’s Morning Energy e-mail:
– During the congressional recess, advocates of a comprehensive energy bill plan to spend SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND on radio ads opposing Sen. Lisa Murkowki’s resolution [S.J.Res. 26], due for a vote June 10, seeking to rein in EPA’s regulation authority on greenhouse gases. BOTH SIDES say this vote will be a crucial canary-in-the-coalmine on the vote for a broad energy [sic; that’s the cap-n-trade and gas tax bill] bill – if she gets 55 votes, passage of a big bill becomes UNLIKELY. The spots begin Wednesday, with these states/targets/sponsors: VA (Webb): Sierra Club; MO (McCaskill): Missouri Votes Conservation; ND (Conrad/Dorgan): League of Conservation Voters; AR (Pryor): League of Conservation Voters; IN (Bayh): League of Conservation Voters; MA (Brown): TBD; ME (Collins/Snowe): TBD
So now is a good time for the following reminder: Industry is lobbying to allow EPA to do this to us through the backdoor (even if the advocacy groups aren’t all industry, but also greens including those that industry is propping up in this battle since the days that none other than Enron and BP invented carbon cap-n-trade…I was in the room with both scheming about how to make it happen, thirteen years ago this month).
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