Hezbollah at the Border

July 15, 2010 06:11

“Remember there’s a difference in a criminal enterprise that seeks to come here that wants to be surreptitious,” Rogers warned.  “They’re not showing up to get a job at a construction site.  They’re showing up here to do a whole other set of activities that they also don’t want law enforcement to know about, so that makes that group of individuals more difficult to catch and they are much more dangerous.”

Connie Hair at Human Events

Signs are growing that the terror group Hezbollah has expanded its long-established influence with South and Central American drug cartels into a working presence in Mexico.

Rep. Sue Myrick (R.-N.C.) is asking the Department of Homeland Security to form a task force to investigate ties between the Islamic terror group Hezbollah, the drug cartels in Central and South America and new indications of a Hezbollah presence in Mexico.

Documents obtained exclusively by Human Events reveal a well-established smuggling route into the U.S.  Over 180,000 illegal aliens from countries Other than Mexico (OTM) were apprehended from 2007 through mid-March 2010.

Nearly 150,000 of those apprehended were from South and Central American countries that the State Department says are being used as corridors for smuggling people from the Middle East, Southwest Asia and East Africa.

State Department documents examined by Human Events raise concerns that Hezbollah has already used these long-established narco-terror relationships to establish terror cells in the United States.

From the State Department Country Reports on Terrorism 2008:


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