Lobbying battle over START treaty heats up over weeklong recess
Heritage Foundation launched an online petition asking senators to reject ratifying the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). In its first 24 hours, more than 11,000 people signed onto the petition being run by Heritage Action for America.
By Kevin Bogardus at The Hill
The July Fourth congressional recess saw a lobbying battle heat up over a new nuclear arms treaty between the United States and Russia.
Last week, a new nonprofit group affiliated with the Heritage Foundation launched an online petition asking senators to reject ratifying the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). In its first 24 hours, more than 11,000 people signed onto the petition being run by Heritage Action for America.
“Given the potential impact of New START, Heritage Action believes it is necessary to give Americans a conservative voice inside the beltway. The aim of our petition drive is to empower Americans who oppose the treaty. As grassroots opposition grows, senators will take notice,” Michael Needham, the group’s CEO, said.
Started in mid-June, the group, with its 501(c)4 nonprofit status, is considering running television issue ads on the treaty.
It also has registered a team of lobbyists to lobby against ratifying the treaty. According to Heritage Action’s lobbying registration, Frederick Baird III, a former legislative director for ex-Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), and Maggie Piggott, once a scheduler for Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), are among the group’s lobbyists working on this issue among others, including the new healthcare law and the financial services reform bill.
Others are lobbying in support of the treaty, though. Peace activists and anti-nuclear arms advocates are looking for votes for the agreement among senators.
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