Obama to Louisiana: Drop Dead
Obama’s oil drilling moratorium and budget decisions are destroying the Louisiana economy.
by Jeff Crouere at Human Events
Numerous speakers appeared before the President’s oil spill commission to plead for the resumption of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Even the commission, which did not contain one representative from the oil and gas industry, was inclined to support the lifting of the moratorium.
This commission was formed by President Obama to study the oil spill disaster and to make sure that another one does not happen in the future. There have already been hearings in both Washington, D.C., and New Orleans. Much is known about why the disaster occurred and the mistakes that were made by both BP and the federal agency charged with oversight of the drilling operations.
To prevent future mishaps, more vigorous oversight is needed, but drilling in the Gulf does not need to be stopped.
Unfortunately, the President decided to issue a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling that will have a very negative impact on the economy of Louisiana. According to oil industry analysts, the moratorium will cost the state of Louisiana at least 46,000 jobs. Top positions in the industry are already being eliminated, and at least six rigs have left for foreign countries such as Egypt and the Congo. Once these rigs leave, they will not be coming back to Louisiana and the resulting job loss will be permanent.
When the initial deep-water drilling moratorium was struck down in the federal court, the President responded with another moratorium, disregarding both the directive of the judge and the wishes of the people of Louisiana. Even the President’s hand-picked science commission recommended against a moratorium.
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