Obamacare reality bites
61% Expect Rise in Health Care Costs Under New Law, 56% Favor Repeal
Rasmussen Reports
Sixty-one percent (61%) of voters nationwide now expect the cost of health care to go up under the health care reform law, the highest level of pessimism measured since the law was passed in March.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows only 17% expect the cost of health care to go down under the new law, while another 17% expect costs to stay about the same.
At the end of June, 52% of voters expected health care costs to increase under the new law. Just after the bill was signed into law in March, 55% felt that way. The number of voters who expect costs to go down under the new plan has stayed within a narrow range of 17% to 21%.
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