1,200 National Guard Troops Being Deployed to Border Will Not Be Used to Stop and Detain Illegal Aliens
So are they just for show? 1200 token troops really won’t do much of anything to stop the flow of drugs, criminals, weapons, illegals and terrorists flowing in from Mexico. It is almost laughable when you consider that at the same time the Obama administration is suing Arizona to prevent enforcement of illegal immigration laws.
FULL STORY By Edwin Mora at CNSNews.com
The 1,200 National Guard troops that are being deployed incrementally to the southwest border “will not be doing direct law enforcement,” said U.S. National Guard Bureau Director of Communications Jack Harrison when asked if the forces would be interdicting drugs and undocumented immigrants.
“The two mission sets are criminal analysts and enter-identification team,” Harrison told CNSNews.com. “I can tell you that guardsmen will not be doing direct law enforcement on the southwest border.”
In other words, the National Guardsmen will not be used to actually stop and detain illegal aliens trying to sneak across the border into the United States.
FULL STORY By Edwin Mora at CNSNews.com
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