American teachers should revolt
A little over a year ago, I wrote a column suggesting that due to the blatant hostility the National Education Association was expressing towards Christians, it was time for Christian teachers to withdraw their membership from the NEA. As it turns out, the focus of my call to abandon this radically left lobby group was a bit too narrow. As evidenced by its own website, the NEA is not merely anti-Christian, they are anti-American as well. – Peter Heck at OneNewsNow
Commentary by Peter Heck at OneNewsNow
A little over a year ago, I wrote a column suggesting that due to the blatant hostility the National Education Association was expressing towards Christians, it was time for Christian teachers to withdraw their membership from the NEA. As it turns out, the focus of my call to abandon this radically left lobby group was a bit too narrow. As evidenced by its own website, the NEA is not merely anti-Christian, they are anti-American as well.
How else can you explain the plan that appeared on the NEA’s “Diversity Calendar” instructing teachers to make October 1st a special recognition of the Communist revolution in China? The NEA recommended teachers celebrate how the world’s most notorious butcher, Chairman Mao Zedong, proclaimed the “Chinese people have stood up,” as he established the regime that would slaughter more innocent human beings than any other in world history. [Editor’s note: The NEA has since removed the October 1 event from their website, following a rapid spread of the news about it.]
As incredible as it may seem, such a proposal is completely consistent with other actions of the NEA. On their page highlighting recommended reading for teachers, the group touts the work of self-proclaimed Satanist (and Obama motivator) Saul Alinsky. In calling Alinsky, “an inspiration to anyone contemplating action in their community,” the NEA encourages those charged with educating our children to immerse themselves in the tactics of progressive community organizing. They heartily endorse Alinsky’s 1971 book, Rules for Radicals – a socialist how-to guide for gaining power and redistributing wealth.
FULL Commentary by Peter Heck at OneNewsNow
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