George Soros’s Evangelicals

August 26, 2010 04:39

Meet Richard Cizik, head of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. He became a fellow at George Soros’s Open Society Institute, concurrent to his creating the new liberal evangelical group.

BY Mark Tooley at The Weekly Standard


‘For nearly 30 years Richard Cizik represented the National Association of Evangelicals in Washington, D.C. During the George W. Bush administration, he tilted increasingly left and embraced global warming as his iconic issue. A Vanity Fair magazine spread admiringly portrayed him walking on water, just like Jesus. But in December 2008 Cizik stepped too far by endorsing same-sex unions during an interview with Terry Gross NPR. He was forced to resign from NAE.

This summer, Cizik was back with Gross on NPR. He has created a left-leaning New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. Initially after his NAE departure Cizik was affiliated with Ted Turner’s United Nations Foundation. Then he became a fellow at George Soros’s Open Society Institute, concurrent to his creating the new liberal evangelical group. With Gross, Cizik was unrepentant about his evolving views on same-sex unions, and possibly marriage.  And he was very grateful to the left-wing billionaire philanthropist who made his fall from NAE a soft bump.’


From Discover the Networks:

‘To advocate against the use of enhanced interrogation procedures on suspected terrorists, FPL applied pressure on the Obama administration through the creation of lobbying groups like the National Religious Campaign Against Torture and the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. According to the Washington Post, these efforts had a direct effect on White House policy in 2009 and early 2010: “[P]rogressive faith campaigns had an influence on everything from Obama’s signing of executive orders reducing torture, to his cautious wording about public funding for abortions in his health care proposals.”’

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