Marxist media group hides lobbying efforts, FCC connections
The FCC’s push to takeover the internet, Net Neutrality, has had help from Marxist media group Free Press led by University of Illinois professor Robert McChesney. The Daily Caller reports that McChesney’s group has been hiding its own lobbying efforts while complaining about FCC closed door meetings with opponents of the plan.
According to
“Free Press receives financial support from George Soros’ Open Society Institute; the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Glaser Progress Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, the Philadelphia Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, the Surdna Foundation, and the Wallace Global Fund.”
The Daily Caller reports that:
“Not only did the far-left media reform group fail to disclose secret meetings with the FCC, it also:
* Misreported its lobbying expenditures for the last five years
* Failed to report secret meetings with high-ranking officials from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration;
* Failed to report its involvement in the crafting of the Broadband Internet Fairness Act and the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2009.”
The leader of Free Press, Robert McChesney, is a former editor and current board member of the Marxist magazine Monthly Review, which has a fifty-year history of supporting Communist movements and regimes.
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